Equestrian & Veterinarian
Thermal Imagers for Equestrian and Veterinarian
When selecting a camera for equestrian and veterinarian applications thermal sensitivity is of primary importance. Because small temperature differences at a very defined temperature range may be key indicators of problems, high end building diagnostic thermal imagers are well suited for this application. We have two thermal imagers that meet the specifications typically associated with type of testing. Because of the complexity of this applications we highly recommend professional training to interpret images.
Imagers used for Equestrian and Veterinarian applications require
When selecting a camera for equestrian and veterinarian applications thermal sensitivity is of primary importance. Because small temperature differences at a very defined temperature range may be key indicators of problems, high end building diagnostic thermal imagers are well suited for this application. We have two thermal imagers that meet the specifications typically associated with type of testing. Because of the complexity of this applications we highly recommend professional training to interpret images.
Imagers used for Equestrian and Veterinarian applications require
- High sensitivity
- Low temperature range
- Voice annotation
- Large detailed sensor array