
How to buy with FuturePay MyTab

Buy now and pay later with flexible monthly payments

Enjoy a revolving line of credit on your favorite shopping site with MyTab™

Skip the credit card

Shop online without fumbling for your wallet. Your purchases won’t show up on credit card statements – perfect for when you’re buying a gift, even for yourself!

Apply once, buy often

Unlike with installment payment, you apply once and keep a line of credit with your favorite stores for as long as you want.

Stay in charge

Check out with MyTab to avoid rigid monthly payments. At the end of every billing period, you can pay your balance in full or carry your tab a month longer.

They have your back

MyTab customer support is here for you to answer any questions and keep you on track.


How do I sign up for MyTab?

Select MyTab as your payment method while checking out. To apply, you only need to enter your name, phone number, birth date, and Social Security Number, along with a contact email address. Subject to credit approval, this process takes only seconds after which you can complete your purchase.

Are there any financing costs?

Every month at the end of your billing cycle if you choose to carry a balance on your account of $50 or greater we will charge you a Fixed Finance Charge of $1.25 for each $50 increment, or portion thereof. At the end of every billing period, you can pay off your balance in full, or make a minimum monthly payment and carry the rest of the balance a month longer.

What is required to have a MyTab account?

Legal U.S. residents 18 years or older can apply. (Alabama residents must be at least 19 years old.)

When do I pay for my purchases?

Your statement will indicate your due date. You should make sure to pay at least your minimum due amount prior to the indicated due date.

How do I make a payment?

All balances can be paid online by bank transfer or debit card

Are there late fees on overdue payments?

Yes - if your payment is not received by the indicated due date, you will be charged a late fee of up to $38.

How is a refund applied to my account?

When a merchant issues a refund, your FuturePay account will be automatically credited. You should not experience a delay longer than 5 days after receiving merchant confirmation.

Where can I review FuturePay's terms and conditions in full?

FuturePay MyTab full Terms and Conditions can be read here. Revolving credit is made by Cross River Bank, a New Jersey State Chartered Commercial Bank, Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender