

Hughes Views #7 Dancing with the Devil

Ring… Ring…  Customer: Hello, is this Hughes mechanical?Secretary: Yes, it is. How may I help you?Customer: Yes, I had a new system put in by you guys almost a year ago. I know its hot outside and the weatherman says it is a record high, but it just does not seem like my system is operating properly. A couple weeks ago, I know it was hot, but it seemed as if it was struggling to keep up then too.   I do not even have to tell you guys; you know what follows next&he …
25th Jul 2023 Guest Blogger- Christopher Hughes

Hughes Views #6 Building Science, The Missing Component of HVAC School

Such a generic term “Building Science”. Tell that to a customer and watch the thousand-yard stare! Ladies and gentlemen, we are no longer living in the days of common builds. What is a common build you say, well for me that would be a traditional house on a slab with batt insulation in the walls and ceilings, toss in some 4 foot windows then and mix that with a standard shingled roof incorporated with whirly birds and voila! If you were to ask me where that good old rule of t …
25th Jul 2023 Guest Blogger- Christopher Hughes

Hughes Views #5 Heat Pump has Risen

Not many days do we technicians get all the free time in the world to analyze a problem.  When we are on someone else’s dime, we must be mindful of our time spent on the job.  Well, all bets go out the window when it is your own system and it’s a Sunday.  To make things even better, the weather is below design temperatures (It doesn’t get much juicier than that!).  Well, that is just what happened on February 15, 2021.  My wife got her Valentine …
25th Jul 2023 Guest Blogger- Christopher Hughes