
National Comfort Institute

Discover the NCI Difference

  • National Comfort Institute offers an unparalleled approach to contracting that virtually guarantees you'll make more money while providing a better service to your customers
  • Through total system diagnostics, customers see their systems in a whole new light and understand the value of the services provided
  • Dozens of in person or online training courses cover all aspects of HVAC done right
  • Learn more about NCI or get in contact at

What do they do?

  • Hosts in person training events nationwide on both technical and business topics
  • Curates a list of the best tools and instruments for Performance Based Contractors
  • Offers a unique membership experience you won't find anywhere else in the industry

National Comfort Institute, Inc. (NCI) is an organization that provides heating, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical contractors with a focused offering of services and tools to help them improve their businesses, differentiate themselves, grow, and become more profitable. NCI accomplishes this through membership groups and by providing unique business management, sales, marketing and technical tools, training, support and coaching - all designed with the goal of helping customers to differentiate their companies through measured performance, quality and value.

NCI coined the phrase "Performance-Based Contracting" which describes NCI's unique approach that originated with delivering measured performance in HVAC systems to consumers. This term was later expanded to further describe how contractors manage their businesses through accountability and measurable results. Performance-Based Contracting™ is as much about changing a company's culture as it is proving that you did what you said you were going to do.

NCI Training Programs

NCI offers cutting-edge training programs from both the technical and business, sales and marketing perspectives. Learn from knowledge experts like Jim Davis who has saved countless lives through contractors who have taken our eye-opening Carbon Monoxide Safety & Combustion course. Or find out from our experienced leadership how to lead your team to success, improve your sales approach and develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that keep you and your staff accountable.